Carissa Schumacher: Understanding Spiritual Power
This is Carissa’s third visit to Pulling the Thread. I highly recommend listening to our introductory conversation—called “My Spiritual Teacher”—if you’re new to Carissa’s work. In it, we talk about how we came into each other’s orbits—through a miracle, I would say—and how her presence has deeply affected the last few years of my life.
In today’s conversation, we dive right into Yeshua’s recent transmissions—and yes, when Carissa says Yeshua, she’s talking about Jesus, or more specifically Christ Consciousness—or what she calls the energy of peace. I know this sounds odd, but Yeshua—who we’ll refer to as a “he” to keep things simple—says throughout the transmissions: “Know me not as I was, but as I am.” Carissa is not the only Yeshua channel, she asserts, and one of the points of these transmissions is for each of us to cultivate that voice we have inside. The content Yeshua delivers is universal, deeply applicable to our lives today, and certainly not attached to any formal religious culture or system of faith. I find it full of revelations and profound wisdom, insights that I can immediately apply to the way I conceive and understand the world around me.
Today, we cover a lot of ground—Carissa dives into the difference between creativity and productivity, and between wisdom and knowledge, and we talk about the seven ways Yeshua says we can recognize power that comes from shadow—and how, like a switchboard, those old era energies are being switched off—and will no longer work in the coming era. Speaking of that coming era, Carissa also talks about what it means that Pluto is leaving Capricorn, and the changes we will begin to see.
If you want a grounding in these teachings, I highly recommend Carissa and Yeshua’s book, The Freedom Transmissions, which is eight Yeshua transmissions Carissa channeled over the course of a week, several years ago. And if you want to experience this work in community, I highly recommend attending one of Carissa’s journeys. They are life-changing events. Her website is And for more on Carissa, I’ve written about a lot of these transmissions in my newsletter and on my website:
OK, this is a long one so let’s get to it.
The Freedom Transmissions: A Pathway to Peace, Yeshua as channeled by Carissa Schumacher
Carissa’s Website
(Edited slightly for clarity.)
CARISSA SCHUMACER: At the beginning of 2022, Yeshua announced to us all that theme of this year was going to be Revelation. And I think that we were all like, yay revelation, wonderful. Bring it on. And he's like, no, no, no, no. We're gonna clarify some things about Revelation this year because what is revealed through the course of things may be some very difficult truth that needs to rise to the surface, or some confrontations with structures in your life from professional to friendships, to family members that might place you in that position of discomfort because that truth is going to reveal that possibly a change is necessary. So, I think we're all a little bit bruised and beaten at the end of this year, but all along he's given us some really wonderful tools like the September offering on resilience and the October offering on divine power to assist us through that. But, fear not, finally moving into 2023, which is the year where the big Pluto transition happens, the transition that hasn't happened in 248 years. And really the focus of this year is realization, and realization and revelation are not the same thing. Revelation may bring up the change, it may bring up an intuition, it may bring up a discernment, but it's the realization that is really the energy that kind of shows us why the changes that we made are, are necessary. So, people, at least those that have been holding in there and practicing resilience and continuing to draw back into peace and into trust and into faith, this year there will be a little bit more validation as well as I would say, a sense of direction in terms of where things are going, both personally as well as globally as we go along.
ELISE LOEHEN: We don't always choose these things, but sometimes they happen for us, even as we kick and scream.
CARISSA: Yes. And, well, every year since he, you know, first came through at the end of 2019, I've actually chosen to focus each year on a different Chamber of the Sacred Heart. So in 2020, I focused on surrender cause the four chambers are simplicity, stability, surrender, and stillness. And, Yeshua had said, and Spirit had really just conjured in me this sense of wanting to focus on surrender in 2020. And, wow, a lot of very painful lessons surrounding surrender. And then in 2021, I focused on simplicity and I thought that simplicity was gonna be super easy for me. I lived very simple lifestyle.
I've simplified the structures of my life considerably in order, you know, to serve as a forensic medium and channel. But Yeshua had said at the beginning of 2021, that we would be having a lot of confrontations with the areas in our life that were chaotic. And really the whole year was about restoring the energy of simplicity through our breath, through our lifestyles.
CARISSA: And then, 2022 was stability. So this whole last year, from the very beginning, Yeshua has said that we would be having a little bit of a quote unquote shit show to really show us what would be revealed to us are the aspects of the world, the aspects of our lives, the aspects of relationships that are not stable, that are houses possibly, that are built on sand, instead of that bedrock of that foundation of faith and balance and harmony and without stability, it’s really impossible, almost to even just survive within the horizontal. But it's also very, very difficult to be able to consciously return to that vertical access and to really anchor ourself and that stable origin where we know what we are, we know who we are. We trust the process, and we allow ourselves to move through the evolutions that we need to move through. And so that only leaves one more. 2023 is all about stillness. There's gonna be a lot of cacophony still happening with media and rights and politics and the financial worlds, and this year is so important to anchor.
It's important to do what you need to do or to create this space, to really anchor yourself into the stillness, cause there's gonna be a lot of talking happening within the external worlds, even within our own minds as we move through certain changes, certain challenges, and anchoring in our stillness is what will allow us to really be able to listen. Not just to what our mind wants or even sometimes what our heart wants, but to listen to that infinite symphony of the light, our intuition, our spirit, as we're moving into 2023, this is the first year come March of this year. March 23rd, 2023, that we're finally. in the structure of the new era. We've been talking about this for decades and certainly over the past couple of years, but this is a time where those who are really able to drop into that stillness, to remember the vertical, they will have access to a lot of the downloads, the frequencies of consciousness that are spilling throughout the vertical as really the light is redistributed throughout the earth and the people and the light holders, these vessels that we are of spirit and light experiencing a human reality.
ELISE: So the way that you just articulated those four, do you think that those were cultural themes for everyone, or are we all experiencing one of those four things? Are we experiencing them concurrently?
ELISE: I’m on the same track as you, I think.
CARISSA: Yeah, I agree. And that's why you found me right out of the gates. But, certainly there are, these were the ones that I was guided to, you know, just to choose from my intuition. But as a psychic medium, I always have my pulse on the collective movements because I need to, in order to kind of see what is aligning for different people and to really understand and be able to anchor whatever energy needs me to for the transmissions.
So these were ones that I was just in intuitively guided to choose at the beginning of the year. These are collective ones, but as an individual, 2022 may have been your simplicity year and 2023 may be your stability year. So it's very personal, we don't just wanna pick one and neglect all of the others because all of these chambers of the sacred heart are important to cultivate. But I've just found that it's a little bit difficult sometimes to tackle all of them at once. So for me, in my process, I like to focus on one thing and allow that to be the highlight because I don't want to be trying to master 14 different things without giving each the process that it really merits, with regards to evolution.
ELISE: Yeah. I mean, you've said many things to me and to groups over the years that stick with me, but in light of what you just said too, when you talked, or Yeshua, I don't even know who, “your vibration must be higher than what you create otherwise you cannot manage it.” That is something I go to all the time in terms of this conversation of simplicity, silence, surrender. And I think we're all learning that lesson, right? Like we've lost the reins on the horse to go to my favorite metaphor, but we can't manage, right? Most of us are not in a position of managing what we're creating collectively, certainly, but is that, I feel like these are good reminders when we have that feeling of losing the plot.
CARISSA: I was reminded of this series that Yeshua offered to us this year. And I also touched on it with some of my own offerings. And this really spills nicely into some discussion about what the meaning of this planetary transition is, and specifically what it means for Pluto to be moving into Aquarius, which really lands us into the age of Aquarius, which songs have been sung about for a long time. But in the midst of this revelation year, Yeshua really surprised me cause I never know what he's going to offer, but he really kicked us into gear and I almost felt like we were in true cosmic bootcamp through certain portions of this year. But in June, he started to introduce us to this, warrior Series, what it means to be a divine warrior of light, because he said that it's not enough for we as light holders to be in the defense, on the defensive anymore. And I see that some of the time where, you know, it's almost like there's two separate lives. We have our spiritual communities and we're doing our own inner work, or we're working with a therapist or, you know, yoga instructor or a healer. But there's so much of that that almost feels like it needs to be withheld.
And there's certainly is so much judgment out there with, you know, your woo woo and all of that sort of language that is really quite dismissive of someone's personal process. But, you know, nevertheless, he began this series on the Warrior of the Light. And he introduced it in June with an incredible discussion about the energy of betrayal. And I wondered for quite some time why, why betrayal wasn't one of the seven sins or missings of the mark. And then I really realized that betrayal is kind of the root of it all. Touching all the way back to Genesis and some of the creation stories. And it's that that rift, that separation, that perceived separation between the light and the human, the vertical and the horizontal, it originated in a sense of betrayal.
Even back in Genesis's story, God felt betrayed, Eve felt betrayed, Adam felt betrayed, and that really created that splintering or that rift. So in this Warrior Series, he began almost really from that origin and the beginning, and he brought us through really an exploration, an explanation in a sense of with like actual concrete, not rules, but almost a bit of a structure or a credo for us as light holders, as those on a path of consciousness to not start maybe being more aggressive with regards to speaking and sharing our experiences, but not allowing that fear of failure or unworthiness. Or maybe I haven't taken enough classes or I haven't learned enough, or I'm not a writer. How could I write a book? And just some of this defeatist type of language, the rules, and this credo that he's been giving us, and I believe will continue to create a pathway for us to really feel safe and held as we move forward.
And the ricochet of the words that you just mentioned, when he said that what you create, you, your vibration needs to be higher than what you create otherwise you can't sustain and manage that. He touched on this several times in the discussion and in this Warrior series and he does these lists of almost like verses, and I don't mean verses like song verses, like this verses that, because sometimes what we tend to do is we take these words that have very, very different frequencies and energetics and we smoosh them together. For example, revelation and realization. These are two very, very different things. The revelation may review to you aspects of things that are possible, certain senses of direction, certain things that may need to shift or change, but it's the realization when all the different moving parts start coming together. So he almost, in a sense, adds detangler to some of these smushed words to help us make the distinction between the vertical and the horizontal. For example, creativity: creating versus producing was one that he introduced in December. and we need to be very careful because it's part of really the old era and more of like a masculine, certainly like a Capricorn type of dynamic, to focus on the producing. We've gotta produce, produce, produce, and the producing is really what comes along that vertical. If we have a creative impulse, we want to create something and we create and we spill it and we hope that it's going to be productive in some way to our lives, to others. But when the focus is on produce, produce, produce, we can start to lose that creativity.
And the creativity is really the flow of that inspiration that comes from the vertical creative ideas. Creative concepts, possibilities, art, science, there's some creative spark that leads to an inspiration and then it produces something within the external. But when we're not tuned in or bringing awareness into that creativity or what we're creating, we're doing from ego, we're doing from shadow, we're doing from fear, it actually winds up producing great harm. And this reminded me a lot about the example that you've used for your vibration needs to be higher than what you create, otherwise you can't manage it. Technology. Maybe this is just me. I personally don't think that Mark Zuckerberg and some of the tech executives were sitting around in a room thinking about how they could manipulate and work the brain of teenagers. Maybe that came later, I don't know. But there was this creative spark that came. This is a possibility. However, what it wound up producing, when the produce more, produce, more stocks involved, money involved, it became very diluted and tarnished from that real, pure creativity of say, perhaps a social media company that just helps people toconnect to one another and to share with one another. So we need to be a little bit careful about that.
He also did one on inspiration versus motivation. was another one. These are also things, that we sometimes smush together, and it can almost create an energy field of anxiety or impatience. Inspiration, like creativity very much flows from the vertical. Something is revealed, something pops open, and all of a sudden there's this inspiration, ah, I would love to help this person. I would love to get involved in this. Cause inspiration is one of the two parts of our intuition. There's only two parts, inspiration and discernment. The discernment is a little bit more of the healthy shadow aspect of our intuition that just says, mm. Pause, maybe explore this a little bit more, but the inspiration is just that light form of our intuition that it's like, ah, this is possible. But then it's sometimes difficult to summon the motivation to spill it into the horizontal. And so those of you that have felt very inspired to do things, but maybe over the course of the fall just weren't motivated at all to get things started. Too much happening within the world. I don't wanna, you know, go into my savings to start a new company or whatever it was. In a personal way, there's this rift between the two, the inspiration and knowing when, and maybe when not to move it into, The horizontal from the vertical. That is really what he wove us through within some of this series.
But in the world with regards to societal pressures and the expectations of the seen world as opposed to the unseen world, there's a lot of that focus on motivation. Motivation, motivation, motivation. Get motivated. You should be motivated to do this. And so we've created this structure where there are people that are inspired but not motivated to move new ideas, new ways of being, new consciousness. And then we have people, and for some people it's actually both, that they're motivated maybe to stay in their jobs. They're making a salary, they need to pay the bills. Very, very understandable. They're motivated, but they're not inspired at all, and that creates, it starts to create such a pain cycle where you almost feel kind of stuck in a sense where you are motivated for survival, for safety reasons, but there's almost no joy inherent to it. It starts to feel more like servitude than service through joy, in a sense. And so what I've really been focusing on with a lot of folks is, and of course you can do this on your own to those that are listening, but be careful when you're in a situation where you're kind of motivated to stay in it but it's more about fear, not to get impatient with. Where's the inspiration? Trying to resurrect the inspiration that's just no there. When you're in one of those cycles, you're not stuck. You're just gestating. That was something that Yahu shared in December. You're not stuck when things are not moving fast enough, materializing fast enough. You are not stuck. You're gestating, and there's all this pressure in the external. Now, now, now. Gotta do it. Now. Gotta work it out. Now. There shouldn't be paying off now. And we almost feel shame if it doesn't happen, if things don't come together on this bizarre external construct of a timeline that is not divine and it's not really what is defined by our own spirit, but there's that pressure that's there during periods of integration. You're not stuck. You're gestating, and that moment will always come where an inspiration comes to life.
You read something, you hear a story, suddenly you're inspired. And that inspiration spills over into the motivation to get involved with something, but be a little bit careful about creating a lot of expectations surrounding that exploration. So for example, really the mindset within the world, the energy field that we created as a collective is lose the motivation, switch to another job, go do something over here, blow it all up, and then go over here. And sometimes, and this is very much a part of this movement into the era of Aquarius and into this year of 2023, which is really a whole new cycle that we're beginning, exploration without expectations, exploring new ways when you're in those kind of ruts of feeling motivated to do things out of fear and feeling a little bit of stuff, or if you're in the energetic of feeling a lot of inspiration, creative ideas, journaling all the time, but just not being completely motivated to move it into the horizontal, explore without expectations.
One of the things that I've said to a cherished relation of mine a couple of months ago, when she was going off about all the reasons why this creative idea that was absolutely genius, why she wasn't ready, why she didn't have the motivation, and I said to her, let's not decide what things are going to be.Let’s not decide that just yet, because the minute that we do, we're not in the love trust spigot. We're in the control fear spigot that is all about control. And so we need to kind of disarm and bring things back to that anastasis, that return to the origin, which is the point of intersection where we're able to listen and receive what we need to from the vertical and yet also have the faith and the trust to move it into the horizontal in a balanced way, but in order to maintain that balance, which is really what you were speaking to in the beginning, we need to remember that evolution is more important than progress. That was one of the other verses that he's done in the past. We've been focusing so much on the scene, the horizontal progress, progress, progress, but we haven't evolved to the space where we are even able to manage that. In a sense, technology is a really good example. It's like we had all of this other stuff, all of these other expectations, and then over the past 20 years we've added technology onto that and our brains have barely even evolved. Our bodies, our circadian rhythms have not even completely evolved to the level in which we're utilizing and making all of this progress. So we need to slow down. And it seems, you know, evolution is not the fun part. At least not to the brain or the ego. The ego wants to see the progress, progress, progress. But evolution is more important, an evolution when you are really evolving.
In this past year, it was a big evolution year. There can be periods of time where you feel like you have de balled, why am I having all of these thoughts? Why is everything getting crazy? I've been doing all of this work and it's one test after the other. Everything that each and every person on this planet went through this year was to evolve us. And we need to evolve to that upgrade to be able to move into the energetics of the new era. Those however, that are on a path of consciousness, not spirituality, not religion, not all of that other stuff, but those that are truly, truly in their heart, allowing for that essence of divinity, the Christ essence, the Sophia Essence, and kind of allowing the divine to take our hands and just pull us into whatever we need to be pulled into. That's an evolution that will, at the end of the day, result in sustainable progress.
ELISE: Beautiful, so many things to say. I mean, one, the etymology of decide is to cut off. So I think in our, as you've mentioned, like in our fear control spigot, we limit what's possible. And then thinking about the Mark Zuckerberg Facebook example, I think one vertical access company seems to be Apple. And I know that Steve had a huge ego, and I'm not condoning all of his behavior, but there's something about the inspiration and creation of that company and the simplicity, I think, with which they operate, where they're not crashing, they seem to have more guardrails. So I just wanted to offer that as, they're not trying to catch up with what they've made. It feels like there's been a consciousness attached to it from the beginning and what they’ve made. Then, going back even earlier when you were talking about sort of light holders and vessels and so much of what Yeshua says, and the reason that I love it so much is that he's not speaking to us as aesthetics and caves, and that's not the message, right? The message is not to disengage with life and go be a hermit or a monk and meditate, it's not to cloister ourselves away. It is exactly what you're talking about. How do you take the vertical, spill it into the horizontal, how do you stop com compartmentalizing these parts of yourself from your material everyday existence and then you have your spiritual life or you go to church once a week, but how do you live it in a way that's not separate and also not siphoned off or, confessional? I don't know. I just wanted to add to that and then maybe we can talk about, do you wanna talk about power or community?
CARISSA: So I've known for a while that at some point there was going to be an offering on power, and I was like, just please don't let it be October. Please don't let it be October. Then in October, when I came back to consciousness after bringing him through and everyone was like, oh, we talked about power. I was like, here we go. But you know, it was, it was just perfect that he did that right after the series that he did on resilience and on the September journey and, you know, some of the take homes from the September journey. Just, you know, for those of you that haven't listened to some of the transmissions, at some point I will figure out technology enough to make them publicly available. But I'm a very, very slow arthritic turtle.
ELISE: I'm holding my breath, or I won't hold my breath.
CARISSA: 20 years later, maybe Apple can help, but okay, so the resilience, he reminded us in September that very often we think of these words as like one frequency and one energy. And in some ways resilience is, however, there are many, many different assets to some of these very big frequency types of energetics. So resilience, we can sometimes say, oh, I, I've gotta be resilient today. Or, wow, he's a really resilient person and he actually may be resilient in some ways, but not in other ways. Resilience has all of these different kind of arms and tentacles that we can reach toward at different periods in time. For example, adaptability is one of the aspects of resilience and sometimes we just, we're in a new situation, we're at a new location and we need to adapt to it. Like our body kind of catching up when we go into a new time zone, there are other times that we need to reach for elasticity. So elasticity, this was one of the ones that I thought was really fascinating when he explained it, like, you know, imagine working with your resilience with elasticity, it's allowing yourself to always snap back to that space of origin.
So when you're going, if you're in a really hostile environment, an environment that oh man, may drain you or cause you to like erupt or go into fear or ego mode, he’s like elasticity is the ability to snap right back. So that is an aspect of resilience that allows us to kind of stretch ourselves within horizontal, but also to always return to that space and present even within our own own brains. Sometimes our brains will take us way out here in the elasticity aspect of our very resilient spirit is letting go of that negative talk cycle that, you know, fear dialogue that I was having and I'm bringing it right back here.
Elasticity is always, is also very helpful for folks, especially in kind of the early phases of their awakening process, to keep them grounded within the horizontal instead of going too high into the vertical. Because sometimes what can happen, and I see this a lot with certain abuse of plant-based medicines, but people can go into these very high states and they don't ground themselves afterwards, or they're not able to snap back into the seen worlds that they can access the unseen, but also basically function as a person or a being within the horizontal. And so what can happen is when someone is not really anchored within their resilience, that is elasticity, they can go way out here and keep going and keep going, and then they can wind up almost experiencing certain levels of psychosis or other issues that are really dangerous. So that elasticity, I'm using this as an example, is to bring us back to that origin. So he really unloaded resilience for us. And then he said something that was really important. He said that moving into these next couple of years, because there has been so much that has been suppressed that people have just kind of had to swallow down, whether it's shame or oppression or suppression, now all of a sudden we're starting to give each other permission to share all of this. There's just more of kind of this movement of all of this stuff rising to the surface. So that's why we're seeing a lot of combustibility within the collective conscious right now, and all of these collisions as this expression is starting to move out of people and it's being embraced by some people, but not by other people.
So in this movement, there's a lot of stuff going on with the story. We see this all the time, storyteller, I need to tell my story, I need to share my story. And that sharing aspect is wonderful, but there can also be certain attachments that start to happen one story over time. And so that results sometimes in dynamics, even in certain like spiritual circles where someone keeps telling their story and telling their story and telling their story, but they're never really evolving from it. It's like they're attached to it. So what they can't connect to in that space, in order to really make the shift to kick off the transformation that is required. When you're attached to your story, sometimes you have difficulty realizing the moral and the moral of the story is what we really need to be looking to. We all have our individual stories, but what is the moral? The story is individual. The moral is universal. And so to kick off the October journey, he talked a lot about knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is individual. Certain people know the same things. We all, you know, most of us know how to tie, or in my case, Velcro, my shoes, still learning. Horizontal's a little tricky for me, but knowledge, what a rocket scientist knows is not maybe what a sculptor knows. Our knowledge set is very different. That's part of our story, how somebody experiences, trauma, maybe a little. That's all individual. It's part of your spirit. It's part of your biology, it's part of your upbringing, it's part of your conditioning, your patterning.
But wisdom is universal. So for those of us that, or for those of you that really feel called to share your story, but in a way that is instrumental to other people, even if they had a very different story or experience than you, you've gotta look for the moral and to not just embody this story, but a perfect example of this is victimhood, the story of victimhood. And I've been betrayed and living in that. really kind of negative energy field of the betrayed mindset. And that can be very, very tempting for the ego because then it can always be wounded and whoever on the external is always the wounder. And at a certain point there needs to be the death of that kind of story or mindset and upgrade or evolution into the moral, which is that no matter what you've experienced, no matter what you've explored that didn't work out so well in your life. There's always a resurrection that is possible. And it's through these different tiers of these deaths and resurrections that like Phoenix, rising from the ashes. We realize more and more of our Christ essence. And he said in March, and I wanted to touch on this, is we're kind of spilling over into power. so that when you come to body, especially in our early life cycles, we are consciousness born but not fully realized. And as we move through our various cycles or various evolutions, all of these different experiences, we awaken to the horizontal with each passing day. We are consciousness born and more fully realized.
And so he likes to talk about the shadow or what we refer to as unconsciousness. That is such an unconscious person. He likes to refer to it more as realized and unrealized. There are just certain parts of us that are still unrealized that we still can't access and we're not gonna be able to access them until the time the divine time is just right and not a minute more. So from that, he really spilled into power. And hetalked about power a little bit like he talked about resilience, where he almost talked about power like a circuit board. But he said that there's two different types of power. There's kind of the unrealized human, unconscious, primal power. And he said that that form of power, the shadow form of power, which is really about the ego and dominance and its constant cycling need for re-validation because it needs to constantly validate its face of the illusion of its existence or importance or whatever else. So he said that the shadow form of power, when we think about someone throwing their power around or you know, manhandling in the boardroom or whatever else, he said that that kind of power is really nothing more than an egoic projection of control. That's it. What we often think, wow, that's a really powerful person. Usually it just means that they have a lot of control, either self-control, which can be a really good thing, or they have the ability to control and influence others. The light form of power, and he said that the fuse on the ego power spigot, it has all of these little switches, like anxiety, like doubt, like fear, like rage, like jealousy. And when we are not bringing consciousness into our power, true divine power, we will always default to the fear control power spigot. And all of a sudden all of these little default power switches start getting turned on. And there are people who are in the path of their evolution and life lifecycle, who have a lot of the shadow switches turned on, and a lot of the light power turned off. So they have a really short fuse, you know, defensive about absolutely everything. There's just a lot of fear there, and so these power switches are turned on to help that have a certain sense of control or self importance within the world. And that's all right. We all have certain switches on and off, but he said when you bring consciousness into this, you flick on all of these different light power switches, divine power switches, and he's like the light power, sovereign power is equal. Each of us has it. We simply just need to awaken to it in a sense.
And when we bring consciousness, we are able to be powered by love, peace, truth, humility, compassion, acceptance. And so he worked with us a lot on kind of flipping the shadow buttons off and flipping these on so that we can operate from the divine love trust spigot, where trust is really the structure that allows us to feel safe enough within the world, then the horizontal instead of the fear control spigot. And then he said the words, be careful what it is that you are powered by because what it is that you are powered by is what you power. And this weaves back to your vibration needs to be higher than what you create otherwise you can't manage it. You can have the most wonderful creative idea in the world to feed the hungry and rescue dogs, but if the vehicle that you are creating is powered by fear, if you are powered by fear and operating from that space, projection of control and impatience, that's what you're gonna produce. That's what you're going to power not only in your own vehicles, but also just within the world in general.
When you are powered by love, when you are powered by peace, you power the energy of peace. So I've seen this quite a bit, even within, you know, kind of this past ages creation of dominant structures, even in spiritual communities, there will be something where originally a person comes in, a spiritual practitioner or a facilitator, who really is powered by peace and inspiration and wisdom and powering that energy within their community. But then all of a sudden is they gonna, more people start coming to them. They need to create an ashram, they're invited into media appearances. All of a sudden it's a little bit of that sex, money, power. And if they're too in the horizontal and not tuning back in and evolving themselves in the vertical, all of a sudden somebody switches turn off and what turns on: control, doubt. And that is what they are powered by impatience, frustration. And they wind up powering that within their community. And that can be very, very deeply traumatic to those that are within that community because it's all of a sudden gone from like light to shadow. And for those of you that are exploring different communities as you go forward, those are really things to look for.
Yeshua brought us through a lot of the different elements of what to look out for with regards to kind of knowing, he gave us the seven ways, that fear control kind of human shadow power gets projected throughout the world. There are only seven ways since the dawn of time, and then he also talked about some of the qualities of community too look out for where there's equality, where there's sharing, where there's even celebration. The ability for others to celebrate one another, sometimes it almost seems like people don't always share, it's like there's competition almost in hierarchies and what, and people are not celebrating even little achievements that maybe to you is not that big of a deal, but to that person, it's major and that person deserves to be recognized and celebrated with. You know, I know for in the early part of someone's awakening process, it's like, oh my God, I saw eight rainbows today and God is speaking to me. And that's such an exciting moment in the awakening process where it's like this whole unseen world comes alive. And it's important to be able to share in those experiences and also to really be able to discern and recognize when there's gas lighting or just a lot of those power switches that are turned on.
ELISE: Before we get into the community in that list, if you wanna go there, which would be great, just going back to power one, the homework that he gave us, I think is great for anyone to do. And we have a text chain going where we all, every week, once a week, every Sunday we say what power we're working with. So whether it's joy or patience or gratitude, love, we proclaim it and then we work it. Not to say that we work it perfectly, but that was what he told us to do. Like you have to exercise these like a muscle and in some ways it's helpful cause it displaces those other energies. And then didn't he say he was turning down all of our shadow power anyway and it wouldn't really work?
CARISSA: Well, and this is one of the reasons that the past couple of months kind of have been a shit show. And I feel like we're very privileged to have him explain why things are a shit show to a certain extent. But no, he said that in order to stave off the deepest manifestations of shadow that may actually completely cripple us from moving the new light codes into new era structures. That what he said, that what the divine is doing right now in Gaia is a big part of this, is turning down the ability for our current controls to work any longer. So they're turning down the ability for these safety control mechanisms that we have to work. And we're seeing this everywhere. We see it within the stock market, the inflation, they don't know what to do because experts, none of the old controls, none of the old things that have worked in the past are working now, it's happening with environmental solutions. znd that's very scary when this control based structure, when the controls that kind of kept things in place or kept people in place, when that control starts to come down, there's like a scrambling for that control. And right now we just have to accept that we never wanted all of those controls and we need to accept a little bit of that discomfort and start to explore new solutions without expectation.
But he said that he was turning down our ability to, and this is happening, collect within the collective consciousness, the ability for those shadow spigots to command as much power as they had in the past.
ELISE: Yeah.
CARISSA: But I just have to ask, what was your stumbling block with the homework? There were certain power switches, the light power switches, that I was like, man, this is going to be easy. And he chose us to only focus on one per week. And I think I chose balance the first week, to be powered by balance. Super easy. I'm mastering this homework week two. God, I have not moved beyond the second one that I chose, which was acceptance. When he told Jake how he's like, there is a difference between acceptance and acquiescence. And I thought that I was always a very accepting person. Accepting of what is, you know, I live very much within the present, but I found that I have this like little problem with acquiescence. So what I thought that I was an accepting person, but it's like, no, I'm an acquiescing person and I do that to avoid conflict and also because I like to serve and give to people. But I will sometimes just acquiesce, you know, somebody needs an emergency session and I need to right now because I got a paper cut Carissa, and I'm like, I can't do this right now. Like, we'll schedule something late. Cause I don't wanna disappoint them. I want to avoid conflict.
Acquiescing to an abusive partner, to a gas lighter, you know, just to avoid conflict or to get away from some of the discomfort, letting someone beat you up, letting your own mind beat you up, you know, or negative talk to beat you up. Acquiescing is basically acceptance minus divine power and courage. So we use that divine power, that faith, that if we speak up for ourselves, that we'll be able to transcend it. And we're not acting from a place of courage when we're just acquiescing, and letting people bully us or colleagues bully us, or even family members bully us. That doesn't mean that we need to go in with guns blazing and you know, just go into attack mode. That's not what we want. We need to accept what is, but not acquiesce, if what is is something that is not balanced, not kind, and not rooted in compassion. So that was mine,
ELISE: I am laughing cause I just looked back, I went with acceptance and then the next week I'm doing another week of acceptance.
CARISSA: Me too.
ELISE: Then I went to patience, but it's a really good practice. I highly recommend it. I don't know if I mastered acceptance, but I'll come back to it.
ELISE: Do we wanna talk about this list of seven things?
CARISSA: These are the seven since the dawn of time, and you know, I have really been thinking about the correlations with your book and the seven missings of the mark, because they're kind of all woven, you know? We talked about the seven imbalances of the mind. What you present is kind of a whole new lens on it, with the sins being the representation, but then this list of the seven ways that human beings assert that control or dominance, you know, which is really rooted from being and that fear control spigot. The more control we have, the less fear we have, the less control we have, the more fear we have, you know, and what we really need to do to cycle back into the love spigot where we're creating structures of trust so that we're really able to be able to flow deeper and evolve deeper into love in our relationships. But these have very strong correlations with everything that you talk about in your books. I'm really excited for your listeners to be able to kind of put these into place with, with some of the things that you discuss in your book.
ELISE: Hmm. Me too. You can run through the list really quickly if you want to. I just think it's a good list.
CARISSA: Okay, perfect. I'm gonna try to recall this all, but I believe that the seven ways that human beings exert dominance or control. And there's a huge spectrum of this, by the way, from like the most deeply unconscious or unrealized shadow to, you know, just kind of minor little things along the way that, you know, sometimes we all do because we have all utilized certain aspects of these seven over time.
CARISSA: The first I believe was fear, isolation, persecution and I believe that shame was in this category.
ELISE: and silencing.
CARISSA: and silencing, someone tries to scare you. They don't want you to thrive. They are challenged by who it is that you are. There can be a litany of different things, but basically this is a person trying to scare you. So a good example of this one that I'll use is, let's say that a woman or man is in an abusive marriage and she/he finally musters up that courage to say, I'm leaving. I am not taking this anymore. The external person, in order to control them or to stop them from moving along on their path, may threaten to take their children away or to crumble or to ruin their reputation or to hijack all of their friends so that the person is isolated. Or they may try to silence them in some kind of a way. So we see this dynamic a lot, even with certain whistleblowers and you know, in corporations and whatnot, they try to scare them into not speaking and can even try to persecute the person in order to isolate them so that they are not as much of a threat. That's the first.
The second I believe, was manipulation, gaslighting, and humiliation. So someone basically tries to weaken your confidence, weaken your strength, or they try to kind of gaslight and manipulate. Yeshua places this in the category of discouragement. They try to discourage you and one of the ways that, you know, this is why gas lighting, which he said is like rampant within the world right now, I can see that they kind of trick you into thinking that you're the one that's wrong. They call you crazy, you know, you come up with an idea and they cause you to doubt yourself. So it's basically trying to just kind of control by weakening or confusing the target or the victim. Withholding is the third. Someone withholds from you. So a good example of this one is they withhold their emotions so that you're constantly having to try to race around them. If you behave like they want you to behave, you get loved. If you somehow do something that you wanna do, instead of what they want you to do, they withhold, they stop communicating with you, they completely shut down.
Withholding can be something for certain people to do even with time, they'll withhold the amount of time or they'll constantly either miss appoints that they make or be serially late and not for, you know, just like valid reasons that sometimes we're all late, especially me, but they. It's almost an assertion of my time is more important than your time. You get to talk to me when I want to talk to you. So ghosting is a really good dynamic of that. And what the person that is experiencing this, what they start to feel is, you know, what's wrong with me? Why are they not communicating? What are they thinking? And so then they're placed right into that same fear control state.
The next one, I believe was bribery. Bribery or temptation. They try to bribe you. So, you know, settlements and lawsuits might be a good example of this. You're focused over here, you're going to do something that is going to expose them or bring shame to them or change to them. And so they'll do whatever to distract you, to bring you over here. Settling things so that you can't speak. A really good dynamic of this also is, you know, for victims of domestic abuse, and all of these seven are usually in the patterning in the energy field of, of a couple that is really dead locked and, and spousal abuse. But sometimes after somebody beats their partner, the partner's really upset, I'm gonna leave. We're not doing this anymore. You said that you would stop and they'll go out and buy them like a diamond. Then all of a sudden distracts, oh, he does love me and he's finally given me the wedding ring. And it's almost like you're focused over here, you're clear, you're anchored in your strength, gonna make the change, and then all of a sudden, That kind of confusion comes, there's some kind of reward that comes and then all of a sudden you're looking back over here and the cycle begins again.
Yeshua was like, if all of that doesn't work and the person still doesn't have dominance in control, he's like, betrayal. They'll do something secretive. He's like, they'll really try to take you out at the knee, emotionally. It's like, whether it's a conscious betrayal, sometimes betrayal is not kind of conscious. Somebody really feels stuck. They don't want to lose their family, and you know, they feel suppressed within themselves that they'll go out and like, have an affair. There's not an intention to want to harm their spouse or them. That doesn't make it right. But what Yeshua is really alluding to is like flat out betrayal, which is lack of transparency that just completely rips your heart out with some sort of an action was taken. So that one, that one is the fifth, and I'm not gonna go too deeply into it cause he did a whole transmission about it last June and then the next. Then he's like, and if that doesn't work, why don't we just go for good old fashioned violence? So the sixth one is, is violence. That rage just cannot be contained. That fear and the rage against that perception of separation or inclusion within the world. It just bursts and all of a sudden there's violence. So in really with wars, the escalation of all of the stuff that actually leads to that very violent moment of let's say invasion or a bombing or something else, it takes a lot of the shadow and the control and the loss of control and the fear to get to that point of human power where real violence is actually asserted.
However, it's part of our primal biology. It's part of our animal brain. We even sometimes see, you know, little children, little boys punching one another, hitting one another. I'm sure that you know this, as Jordan Peterson has said, usually it's women that tend to reach more for character assassination or emotional types of violence, humiliation.But boys, there's still that, you know, testosterone is growing in springing. So there is a little bit of that violent response. We have all been very violent to our environment, so all of us that are sitting here, and this has been a very hard pill for me to swallow, saying, oh, we would never do that. We're evolved. We're civilized. Beyond that, we're very violent to our earth, to insects, to animals that are basically bred or slaughtered. And I don't need to go deeply too deeply into that, but that mechanism and that impulse is still there. And when in unawareness it's a power switch that, we in our ego think is turned off, but it's actually kind of still on and we need to be careful about it as well as kind of the violent ways that we treat ourselves and our bodies, you know, with cleanses and detoxes and all of that sort of thing. It's very, very violent for the body when the body is already such a resilient and natural geniusly wise mechanism within itself. And then the final one was appropriation. That's the other way that someone can try to mitigate you or try to control or dominate.
They let you do all of the work and then they take credit for it, or you build it, you take the big leap of faith to start this new company or this new thing, and then all of a sudden someone else swoops in and says, thanks, I'll take that from here. And there are times that, you know, maybe we create something and it's growing really big, we can't manage it, and it's not bringing joy anymore, and we, you know, sell it or give it for a, you know, a transaction or an exchange. But what he's really speaking to here is when someone is like, appropriating your words, appropriating your ideas without any degree of respect or recognition. And that leaves kind of this, you know, when someone is powered by control and is using appropriation of other people's stuff, it leads to a lot of resentments and betrayal, that sense of feeling betrayed. There are three reasons why people betray or why we betray ignorance, denial, or resentment. So when a lot has been appropriated from a person and they're not just even given credit or, you know, a handshake or a high five or recognition on how awesome they're doing, that can lead to a lot of resentment that kind of builds and, and festers and eventually it is going to explode at some point in time. So those are the seven. I've been trying to kind of match them up a little bit and, you know, that's a very subjective type of process, but, you know, for the imbalances of the mind I would say raffle wisdom probably correlates with, I would say, maybe the physical violence one.
ELISE: Yeah.
CARISSA: I think it's for each person to go through that and, and to kind of see.
ELISE: Yeah. Withholding feels like greed, bribery and temptation feels like lust. I'm gonna think about it. It's interesting. Appropriation feels like envy.
CARISSA: I definitely agree with you on that. I'll have to go through it and take one, but I remember December, Yeshua mentioned these. And after he mentioned them all, the energy in the room was so heavy. And he's like, do you feel that energy in the room? And we're like, yeah. And he's like, I did that for a reason.
CARISSA: And then he like took all of it and he like flushed it down and imaginaries.
ELISE: Oh God.
CARISSA: We moved on into community and into the dynamics and structures of the new era.
ELISE: Do you have the energy to talk a little bit about New era Aquarius?
CARISSA: Yeah, no, absolutely. I think it's actually really important too in terms of the macro of where we're moving as as a collective. And I'm not going to go too, too deeply into this dynamic of all the planets now moving into Aquarius and as of March 23rd, 2023, when people talk about this being a new era or the era of Aquarius, like the songs from the sixties there, there's a shift that is happening. This is actually not like the new era that I've spoken of. It's not some like loosey-goosey type of thing, era shifts don't happen overnight. They're not completely linear. You know, one day we wake up and we're over here, and the next day we wake up and on a totally different frequency and wavelength, but there is a progression as well as some defining moments.
The one I want to focus on for purposes of this discussion is Pluto, because Pluto is the only planet that hasn't made the transition into Aquarius. Like all of the other planets. So over these past three years, every single one of the other planets has moved along out of, you know, Capricorn and into the aquarium type of dynamic. And aquarium dynamic is all about transparency, Aquarius can be a little bit androgynous, which is interesting because this new era is all about masculine and feminine balance. Aquarius is very much about consciousness, accessing new wavelengths of consciousness. So many have all this era, the era of Christ consciousness. Thus far, we've been kind of in a 2000 year era of Jesus consciousness, and now we're moving it into Christ's consciousness and that is very, very different. Yeshua, the man realized that Christ essence of light, moved into form and gave us a pathway through the offerings in his life to realize that within ourselves, through the depth of the separate self and that resurrection into the divine self. But we got a little bit lost in the man instead of the spirit when he resurrected, he was in spirit. And so it is the spirit of this consciousness that is the realization of, of the universal Christ or the universal Sophia. So Aquarius is very much about this dynamic of blending of masculine and feminine.
It's a lot about community, co-creation, transparency, where we then is in a very either part, Picean or a Capricorn type of dynamic. So, Pluto right now, has been lodged for about 20 something years because it's a very slow moving planet. It's been wedged in Capricorn for some time. Some of you may have heard, I'm not a huge astrology person, but this transition is really important as it has had a history in past local events, is really shaking up a lot of change. Pluto moves slowly and so it makes a transition like a Saturn return. For those of you that know a little bit about astrology, we have a Saturn return about every 30 years, and it's really new evolution or an upgrade within our lives or a change within our lives during that cycle. We don't have a Pluto return because we don't live long enough for Pluto to have a return in our say, 50, 60 hundred years on this planet, depending on what it is. Pluto makes a full transit within about every 248 years. So the last time that Pluto made this transition out of Capricorn and into Aquarius was the Revolutionary War, the creation of the Constitution and the formation of the United States. So we as individuals don't have a Saturn return, but a country can have a Saturn return, and this is the Saturn return, or the Pluto return for the United States of America, which is kind of a big deal.
It doesn't surprise me that last time that this happened. That the United States was created because the movement out of Capricorn, which is very individual, work oriented, perfectionism is a huge part of Capricorn. Do everything right, produce, produce. But perfectionism is a problem for Capricorn because it also tends to cause a dynamic where people swallow their pain or swallow their shame down and kind of leave it as this separate festering part of self that is not a part of their evolution and their spirit. And so a lot of that needs to come to the surface during these periods where we are going through some kind of a Pluto transition. So, of course the sovereignty, the constitution, equality, all of that came just as Pluto made this last shift in the two Aquarius. But what we're being confronted with now is that in the inception of this country, yes, it was sovereignty and freedom and rights, but mainly for white men. To have a certain amount of money, be a landowner, be a man, be white for the most part. And so now during this period, during this Pluto return that is happening has been over the past couple of years, and then these next three months. So really the culmination ensued by a number of years where we're just gonna kind of have to catch up with everything.
This is the time where it's kind of like the things that we didn't get right. We need to start fixing. Not fixing, I [ would say, but opening up to new paths of exploration because we clearly, we've learned at this point that we can't keep doing things the way that we have in the past for our environment, for social rights, workers rights, children's rights, reproductive rights, the whole thing. We need to make some shifts in order to sustain our evolution with the progress that we want to make. So we kind of all need to take a bit of a reset and a pause. I have said for some time, and this is why I'm excited about 2023 and these next couple of years, I have said that there is absolutely nothing that would get resolved while Pluto is still in Capricorn. So I have been white knuckling it, just wanting to get Pluto out of the frequency of Capricorn. Not that there's anything bad about it. Science, technology, math, all of that, like structure of society rules, legal structure, financial structure, Capricorn governs systems and structure. So some of the things that we maybe take for granted, like having our garbage picked up once a week, that's a Capricorn dynamic.
That's a Pluto and Capricorn dynamic that we really need to be thankful for. So we don't wanna throw the baby away with the bathwater in a sense, but we do need to start kind of shifting things into more distribution of Capricorn structure. So Pluto, especially Pluto, is the planet that governs death and transformation, which is really kind of one of the most important parts of the spiritual process or the evolution of consciousness. The Pluto and Capricorn dynamic is, the light is held here by the systems and institutions the people have to come to those systems and institutions for justice, for their kernel of light, for their worthiness, or appeasing God for, you know, money or social security or food in order to survive.
There's no sharing within the community. People love to go to the system to get the food stamps or the whatever else. So there's a little bit of this kind of rift between within the Pluto and Capricorn dynamic where. There needs to be a death of this kind of codependent relationship that we have with certain structures and systems. And yes, we need a legal system, we need certain rules. But just like Judaic Law in the time of of Yeshua, just like Judaic law was becoming too complicated, too fussy, overregulated, everything. Yeshua was like, we're not gonna throw away Judaic law. We're going to refine and simplify it. So we need to make things simpler and also open ourselves to things more on the community level. Aquarius is very much about community and co-creation. So even the dynamic of certain spiritual circles, people are starting to say, I don't want. The guru thing where the guru's up here and I'm down here. I would rather come into a group where we all meditate, where we all share some of our gifts. So that's why on Journeys from the beginning, knowing that we were moving into this aquarium era, I think that that's why Spirit said there are no teachers or you know, or leaders on Journeys. You can guide people with the tools that you have as a medium and as a channel. But everybody is together in this. You're participating in the journey alongside everyone else, Clarissa. And that has been just fine with me. And it's been really beautiful to witness how much people gravitate towards the land, into those equality based structures.
So I'm not gonna go as so far to say like egalitarian, but Aquarius is all about sharing the light in a sense. It's all about resurrecting the light. Very strong connections kind of ecosystems. Looking at the ways where we feel superior maybe to others or superior to our environment. Aquarius is like, this goes out the wayside. It has a very playful type of energy to it. And I like this because Pluto, you know, Pluto transitioning into Aquarius finally means that death and transformation, we're finally gonna be able to say, this is not working. This structure needs to die, this structure needs to die. And there may be a series of years we, where we may find some things like, okay, instead of trying to cut quarters with the system, you know, stay with Roe v. Wade, which. Didn't really have the legal backing to be able to sustain in the long run. Let's do it the right way this time. Let's put women's reproductive rights in the Constitution, or let's not. There's gonna be a lot of this tension between kind of these two different things that are flowing with some people who, especially those that really had it good in the Capricorn dynamic, like alpha males did pretty well in the Capricorn era, but they're gonna be people that are really gripping on and still in that fear of control spigot. But now more and more people are starting to move into this love trust spigot, and we need to have these co-creative dialogues without judging what the other side has to say. We see this a lot, especially in online communities, and this is what I love so much about Loretta Ross, how she was saying we need to listen and this is some, we need to listen to hear what the other side is actually saying.
And if we just start judging, it's gonna escalate into irrational chaos. That helps no one. We need to really be listening to what we may feel as opposition because sometimes it's not actually really opposition or from that opposition and our beliefs versus somebody else's beliefs. All that knowledge we all think we know, we can come together to find the intersections of wisdom and then things can really start flowing in a new direction. So, this Aquarius, especially with Pluto in Aquarius, I'm excited because this will very much lead to some new pathways, even for like mental health. So it's a very Pluto, let's say somebody has cancer, death and transformation, some Pluto stuff that's going on in Capricorn, it's go to the oncologist, you know, mental health, that here's your diagnosis, you have this, here's your diagnosis, here's the plan. You know, here's the pill for it. Capricorn tends to be like, ugh, get rid of the discomfort as soon as possible. That's icky. Capricorns are very perfectionist, and they always look like they have their shit together, and I appreciate that so much about the gem of this sign that very many people have as part of a part of their chart.
But, Aquarius is more like, I'm gonna have a reiki astrologist, crystal healer, shaman and an oncologist like all at once. And really a lot of kind of talking out through stories what we need to go through the depth and transformation. And really good facilitators will be those who nearer back the moral to the person that is telling the story. So some of these sharing types of paradigms are a big part of it, but we have to avoid, and every year that we have been moving towards this shift into everything in Aquarius with more social media, with more YouTube and everything, it's been like clockwork, clockwork. More talking. And so we need to be careful of that shadow tendency where it's like, see me, see me, hear me, hear me, you know, understands me all the time. Because that can reinforce almost like a very dangerous, addictive, ego-driven energy field within people.
And we need to be careful, you know, to check that and to create balance, especially for the youth of today with regards to that. But that's more of the ego kind of hijacking the aspects of Aquarius that are really more about talking things out in a way that brings resolution. So we need to take a pause. This is why I'm choosing 2023 for stillness. Taking a pause to focus on what is being said before just saying it so that it's not just verbal diarrhea all the time. But a question for us moving into this age is, you know, do I need to say this? How can I say this? Why do I feel that I need to say this? And if we're listening, what is this person actually communicating? Not just the words, but the energy. Everything that Yeshua has been teaching us about, not just listening to the words or the visual or the audio, but what is the energy that this is ultimately powered by? Because that will help us to feel more compassion for one another, and it will allow us to live in more of that sovereignty, that balance between the vertical as well as the horizontal.
So we're gonna be going through a lot of different upgrades. The physical aspect of some of this movement, kind of the light codes, what's opening up within the earth. Some vortexes that have been very active are starting to go dormant in old vortex. Old logos, old vortex's, pockets of the earth that have been dormant are starting to open again, and they're unleashing new energy. The Earth's core has had some shifts. There have been some electromagnetic shifts that nobody can really explain. Solar flares. We are dealing with a whole new level of consciousness and our bodies are really struggling to integrate that. So balance with body is a huge one, especially moving into this next, I would say, three year cycle. Because we basically, we need to get our shit together by the end of about 2026, 2027. That's all I'm gonna say. I'm not gonna go into some of my deeper, deeper prophecies, and right now we're in a void. The alignments of where the collective consciousness and vibration is prior to avoid is very different after.
So just like if you've gone through a dark night of this, of the soul, or a period of a lot of change and loss, all at once, the vibration, the probabilities of what you attract before. is very different after, especially if you've gone through a death and resurrection process. So what is available to you energetically with regards to community, with regards to service is very different after that process. So we're in a void right now and we move out of the void in about March of this year. So at that point I'll be able to have a little bit of a deeper sense of what the new collective alignments are going to be, but body care and allowing for whatever aspects of your old snail shell to crumble away that need to crumble and really exploring this new snail shell and assessing in a sense, this is where we are right now, these next couple of months, really assessing what aspects of the old snail shell you might want to take with you or to create a path for in a whole new way.
This exploration type of energy is very very intrepid and exploring some of the things that need to die through reaching for community and really resurrecting that light, that faith, that trust, that joy, that humor within you, that will just launch you, catapult you right into where you need to be. So you've been trying to create things and it's just been like, oh, stuck. And this isn't working. We're not even in the new era yet. We've all gone through a lot over the past couple of years. Relax, 2023 is a great year for realization. There's a whole new momentum that is happening, and this is really the first time that I've gotten the sense that we can start moving into deeper community, meaning the calming of unity as a world. So I'll just say Acouple of like final take homes and I'll be discussing this aquarium shift a little bit more as we go through these next couple of months and years. But transparency, big one, transparency. Pluto and Capricorn is not the most transparent because systems and structures tend not to be the most transparent. They're too big and sprawling and unmanageable and unsustainable. So what we're going to have, and this is going to happen, it's already starting to, is a lot of transparency coming to the surface. Things that have kind of maybe been hidden or suppressed intentionally. Not intentionally. A lot of truth is going to be coming to the surface.
We've all had that over the past couple of years where all of a sudden these kind of just things out of, you know, we've all had some thesis confrontations with all of this truth coming to the surface and what can we trust and what can we not trust and how do I listen to my intuition and why am I feeling so emo today or tired today? There's just been a lot that's surfacing and that has uprooted some of the structures in our lives from how we live to our daily routine, to education, to things with our children and relationships. When Pluto makes this transition into Aquarius, there's gonna be a lot of transparency surfacing. Studies coming out that were maybe withheld. I think a lot is gonna be happening within the, the health landscape. Certain, maybe things that, let's say a promising cancer treatment that pharma had very big interest in not wanting to get out there because it would, you know, completely splinter the old archaic technologies that have been there up until now. Some of that come into the light. Things surrounding social media, the impact that it has on our brains, certain things surrounding mental illness and how misdiagnosis of a child with ADHD that maybe just needs a different learning environment, how just the diagnosis can be traumatizing for the child and how to move beyond some of those types of labels.
So there's gonna be some transparency. And sometimes when we see transparency, we feel a little angry like, whoa, that was pretty messed up. Why didn't you tell us this? So reaching for that compassion is important. We need to have our people to be in balanced relationships with our people. This is a good time to be checking in with people within your support structure, just saying, are we good to make sure that, cause sometimes we just assume that everything is kosher and then all of a sudden we find out six months later that one of our close friends has been mad at us for some reason. And it's just time to kind of say, here are my needs, here are my boundaries. What are your needs? What are your boundaries? Because our needs and boundaries, the structures that we need to have trust and reciprocity in relationships, those can change over time. So it's just great check-in point over these next couple of months to say, what do you need? Here's what I need.
What are your boundaries? Here are my boundaries. Let's move forward together. I'm really excited. So transparency is a big one. Sharing is a big one. But Yeshua mentioned one thing on the October journey that has really stuck with me. And he said, before you attempt to co-create with someone or with a divine, be even with your own spirit before you attempt to co-create, you need to be able to coexist. Do not try to co-create with a person if you can't even coexist with them. If you can't be with them in the vertical, if you don't even wanna be with them, how can you do anything with that? We need to coexist with one another. You know, for a Democrat, they may, might not even want a Republican to exist on the planets and vice versa.
But we need to be able to coexist because once we can be with one another, then we can start looking at some ways to do things, even if our beliefs and mindsets are very different from the other person. You know, a Democrat and a Republican, they may not believe at all the same things at all, or a Muslim and a Christian, but maybe they both love to fish. So let's not focus on that. Let's focus and go fishing. That's kind of what I'm alluding to with regards to let's find the coexistence before we start trying a race and to co-creation. And this is especially true with marriages. And when you're creating new vehicles, new businesses, can you coexist with spirit? Then you'll be able to co-create spirit when trying to do things with other people or with the community or support system. Can I coexist with this? Great. Then let's graduate on to the co-creation and not the other way around. And the final thing that I'm going to say, is very path, fast-paced energy. It's air, air dynamic.
Capricorn is very grounded, earthy, do your homework. Here's your Abacus. I'm being a little bit dramatic and, and how I'm sharing this, but aquarium is like bell rings, throw all the papers up into the air, like let's go have a party. It's very like renaissance, explorer, space, technology. Those are all things that are part of Aquarius, so we need to be very careful to stay grounded so that we can take the vast of the picean, capricornian type of era and add that into this beautiful air energy of sharing and space and consciousness and possibilities, and all of the neuroscience that's going to be spilling forth that is part of the aquarium dynamic. So my reminder always to people as we're moving into these next months aquarium, breathe areium, breathe, stop talking. Breathe. Breathe together. That is a form of communication. It brings you right back to that origin. It's not breathing like this past era or racing like the new aerodynamic as we move into this aquarium age, this new era. The realization of the universal Christ within us all regardless of religion. The universal Sophia, the light that is a part of the sovereignty and the essence of what we really, truly are powered by when we leave this planet and go home at the end of the day, breathe, be breathe atrium in the aquarium era, and you'll find that you find the perfect balance, receive a lot more validation, and really feel that inspiration motivates you, even to be an unnecessary, a vessel and a carrier of these new line coats on planet earth so that we can live in deeper balance and harmony with one another and with spirit, and of course our earth in the ecosystem.
ELISE: Beautiful. Thank you.
Well I won’t keep you all any longer, I hope you break this episode up. There is so much in there and I’m so glad we started with the sacred heart and that reminder of stillness, surrender, stability, so important. I definitely feel there’s an onslaught going into 2023, where as usually we all reemerge maybe a little bit less like over full sponges and instead it seems like many of us are stuck in overwhelm. So I am going with stillness, too, and silence, so to that end, I will see you next week!